Sponsor a Bench
Bench Sponsorship
Welcome to the City of Fridley Parks and Recreation Department guidelines for bench sponsorship within our park system. This web page provides essential information for those interested in sponsoring a bench to honor a person or occasions.
You may also choose to view a printable version of the Park Sponsorship Guidelines.(PDF, 1MB)
Requesting a Bench Sponsorship
To request a bench sponsorship, submit a Bench Sponsorship Application. The Parks and Recreation staff will review requests and work with sponsors to select an existing bench within available parks.
Sponsorship Costs
All costs related to a bench sponsorship must be paid in advance of bench purchase and installation of an inscribed plaque.
Bench sponsorship may be made for a new or existing bench. All sponsorships are $2,500.
Your sponsorship donation may be tax-deductible (consult with your tax professional). The City of Fridley will provide a dated acknowledgment letter.
Bench Availability
The following parks currently have benches available for sponsorship. As new locations become available, the chart will be updated.
Community Parks
- Moore Lake - 10 available 5890 Central Ave Ne
Natural Resource Parks
- Locke - 3 available 6911 University Ave
Neighborhood Parks
- Creek View - 6 Available 6801 Anoka St
- Ed Wilmes - 2 Available 150 64 1/2 Ave
- Skyline - 3 Available 5880 2nd St

Bench Design - Community

Bench Design - Natural Resource

Bench Design - Neighborhood
Recognition Plaques
An inscribed recognition plaque (3" x 7") will be affixed to the bench. The plaque's placement is centered horizontally on the bench back, with standardized wording regulations. Inscriptions are limited to three lines of 18 characters each (including spacing and punctuation). The City reserves the right to refuse inscriptions deemed offensive or inappropriate.
Examples of standard wording for memorial/tribute bench plaques include:
Terms and Conditions
Bench Maintenance
The City of Fridley will monitor and maintain all park benches, including those with sponsored plaques. The City is not responsible for damage due to vandalism, graffiti, accidents, or weather. However, reasonable accommodations will be made to repair or replace a bench or plaque at the City's expense within five years of sponsorship.
Sponsorship Duration and Renewal
Bench sponsorship is valid for 10 years after plaque installation. After this time, the City reserves the right to place a new sponsored bench in the same location. However, it will not be policy to replace a bench or actively seek new sponsors for a bench until the condition of the bench or plaque fall below minimum standards for a park amenity.
Public Use and Restrictions
Benches are for public use and not reserved for private gatherings or ceremonies. The donor does not have preferential use of the bench. Additional items, such as flowers or photographs, should not be placed on or around the bench.
Contact Information
If you have further questions or need assistance, contact our Parks and Recreation department at 763-572-3570 or Recreation@FridleyMN.Gov.
Paver Recognition
If you are interested in purchasing a recognition paver, complete an interest form online or send an email with the following information to Springbrook Nature Center Manager, Tara Rogness, with the following information:
Donor name, address, phone number and email address.
Paver sizes:
- Small: $125, 5.5" x 8.25", Up to 4 lines, 14 characters per line
- Medium: $225 5.5" x 11", Up to 4 lines, 20 characters per line
- Large: $400, 8.25" x 11", Up to 6 lines, 20 characters per line
- Tribute: $1,000, 13.75" x 13.75", Up to 6 lines, 20 characters per line
Payment should be mailed to or dropped off at Springbrook Nature Center, 100 85th Ave NE, Fridley MN 55432.